Bought a Plane!
The advert:
John Stamper built G-OGJS in 1989 and flew it extensively all around Europe, accumulating over 1000 hrs until poor health issues grounded him. It was in store for many years before I took it on as a refurbishment project. I have carried out various maintenance and updating works, but have realised that with 3 other canards to maintain and fly, this is a project too far for me.
It is in primer ready for paint, has an 0-360 engine and a performance propeller and a full panel of instruments (stored separately) ready for fitting when the refit is complete.
Finished and flying, this aircraft is valued at £35k, so a bargain at £12,500 for those with the necessary skills to get her back to flying condition.
Again, this is an aircraft that has flown extensively, not an abandoned project.
The aircraft wasn’t in primer and ready for paint. After an inspection by Pete Montgomery, he described the aircraft as being a “quick-build project”. This seems fair - everything needs a refresh: brake lines, the panel, there are no electrics anywhere, then engine hasn’t turned over in years…
Lots to do, but here goes!